
  • In case of failing more than 3 subjects student will have to repeat the year

  • If a student fails 3 or fewer subjects, then failed subjects must be cleared in supplementary examinations
  • Sindh Board of Technical Education’s examination policy will apply
  • It is mandatory to clear mini thesis for promotion to next level

  • If a student fails mini thesis and clear rest of the subjects then supplementary thesis will be conducted

  • If a student fails mini thesis along with any other subject then he/she will have to repeat the year

  • If a student clear mini thesis and fails any other subject then he/she will appear in supplementary exams
  • Sindh Board of Technical Education’s examination policy will apply
  • Supplementary exam charges Rs. 500/- per subject and Rs. 2000/- for mini thesis

  • If a student is unable to clear supplementary exam than he/she must clear the failed subject next year

  • A student must clear all failed subjects to be eligible for final year thesis

  • For all examinations, a panel is formed that is responsible for conduction of exams